innovation, endeavor, and advancement of the 16th anniversary of pangs chemicals-j9旗舰厅

innovation, endeavor, and advancement of the 16th anniversary of pangs chemicals


on january 18, 2019, in the expectation of all pangs chemical people, the 2018 pangs chemical year-end ceremony was officially opened. the venue was full of joyful expressions. the whole scene was immersed in a happy atmosphere, wonderful programs. the wonderful debut of the handsome guys and the astounding achievements are presented to everyone in person.

innovation, endeavor, and enthusiasm, 16 years of change, always standing still, although there are thorns in the road ahead, but ponzi people will be brave and bravely climb the peak.

general manager pang bin and managers of various business units make year-end summary speeches

improve outstanding employees, best rookie employees, the fastest-growing employee award, and the loyalty award

party session
