the first business sharing in 2020 ended successfully-j9旗舰厅

the first business sharing in 2020 ended successfully


    on may 15, 2020, pangs chemicals ushered in the first business sharing meeting this year. unlike the previous years, this year joined the business sharing pk mechanism. we divided ten lecturers into two teams for two or two pk a total of five rounds, the winning lecturers and the winning team will receive individual bonuses and team bonuses. after the preliminary screening and registration, the list of lecturers and the members of the two teams were also unveiled. the two teams were named "wufu team" and "riding the wind and breaking wave team", which implies that pangs chemical will bring wufu to the door, with rich financial resources, riding the wind and waves, and going forward.

    the two lecturers shared this time are wufu team captain joe and the wind and wave team captain irmasy. the two captains respectively brought about how to avoid risks in the epidemic environment and the sharing of spanish chat skills topics, different content, different styles , brought everyone a visual and audio feast.

    joe comprehensively analyzed the risks and challenges we faced during the epidemic from the aspects of market environment, logistics and transportation, product prices and customer psychology. during the sharing process, he used various presentation forms such as cases and videos. experience, gave corresponding suggestions and countermeasures, and expressed a calm style.



    irmasy's remarks turned from his best spanish, from the pronunciation of spanish, the opening remarks to the topic of chat with customers, the spanish crash, and other content. at the end of the sharing, he also recommended a lot of spanish books, with a humorous style of humor .


    after the sharing of the two lecturers, the participants selected the award-winning lecturers based on comprehensive considerations such as shared content, lecturer style, and teaching skills. eventually, the leader of the wind and wave team irmasy won this sharing with novel content and lively and flexible style. the victory, the first business sharing ended successfully, let us look forward to the next wonderful performance of the two teams.
